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Commands Description Example
>>azurlaneacquisition >>azurelaneacquisition >>azurelaneacq >>azurlaneacq >>azurelanedrops >>azurlanedrops >>azurelanedrop >>azurlanedrop >>azurelanebuild >>azurlanebuild >>alacq >>aldrops >>aldrop Shows how you can get the given ship. >>azurlaneacquisition Hardy
>>azurlaneimpersonate >>azurlanemimic >>alimpersonate >>almimic Makes a markov chain generated sentence from the ship's quotes. If no ship is specified all will be used. >>azurlaneimpersonate Helena
>>azurlaneship >>alship >>azurelaneship Shows information about an Azur Lane ship. Such as stats, rarity, skills, etc. You can add "--no-image" to the end of the command to prevent the addition of the ship's default image. You can also add "--retrofit" to show the ship's retrofit stats, and "--awaken" to see Lv. 100 and 120 stats instead of Base and Lv. 100. >>azurlaneship Laffey
>>azurlaneskills >>azurelaneskills >>alskills Shows the ship's skills, what type they are and what they do. >>azurlaneskills Avrora
>>azurlaneskin >>azurelaneskin >>alskin Shows the given ship skin. You can get a list of skins that a ship has with the "azurlaneskins" command. >>azurlaneskin Ning Hai; Summer Hunger
>>azurlaneskins >>azurelaneskins >>alskins Lists all the skins that the given ship has. The skins can be viewed with the "azurlaneskin" command. >>azurlaneskins Cygnet
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Commands Description Example
>>addstatus Adds a status message to Sigma's database for automatic status rotation. (Bot Owner Only) >>addstatus with tentacles
>>approvesuggestion >>approvesugg >>appsugg Approves a submitted suggestion and notifies the submitter. If there are GitLab credentials in the command's config, it'll make an issue as well. First the suggestion ID, then the suggestion title and notes separated by a semicolon and space. (Bot Owner Only) >>approvesuggestion 8e39c9bb Some Title; This does a thing!
>>awardleaderboards >>awardlbs >>albs Award all the leaderboards with appropirate amounts of currency and resets their ranked values. (Bot Owner Only) >>awardleaderboards
>>blacklistcommand >>blackcommand >>blackcmd Disallows a person from using a specific command. (Bot Owner Only) >>blacklistcommand 0123456789 pun
>>blacklistmodule >>blackmodule >>blackmdl Disallows a person from using a specific module category. (Bot Owner Only) >>blacklistmodule 0123456789 minigames
>>blacklistserver >>blacklistguild >>blacksrv >>blackguild Marks a server as blacklisted. This disallows any user on that server from using commands. (Bot Owner Only) >>blacklistserver 0123456789
>>blacklistuser >>blackuser Marks a user as blacklisted, disallowing them to use any command. (Bot Owner Only) >>blacklistuser 0123456789
>>declinesuggestion >>declinesugg >>decsugg Declines a submitted suggestion and notifies the submitter. (Bot Owner Only) >>declinesuggestion 8e39c9bb Too lazy...
>>destroyitem >>desitem Destroys the item with the specified ID. (Bot Owner Only) >>destroyitem abcdef1234567890
>>destroyresource >>destroyres >>desres >>desr Takes away the specified amount of the specified resource from the mentioned user. The resource type goes first and then the user mention, and then the amount as shown in the example. (Bot Owner Only) >>destroyresource metal @person 100
>>eject Makes Sigma leave a Discord server. (Bot Owner Only) >>eject 0123456789
>>evaluate >>eval >>exec >>code >>python >>py Executes raw python code. This should be used with caution. You should never use this unless you are certain of what you are doing. (Bot Owner Only) >>evaluate print('Hello')
>>forcedataupdate >>fdu Forces all static content data in the database to be updated from the repository's static file storage. (Bot Owner Only) >>forcedataupdate
>>generateitem >>genitem Creates and gives the specified item to the mentioned user. (Bot Owner Only) >>generateitem @person Blue Delta
>>generateresource >>generateres >>genres >>genr Awards the mentioned user with the specified amount of the specified resource. The resource type goes first and then the user mention, and then the amount as shown in the example. (Bot Owner Only) >>generateresource currency @person 5000
>>geterror Gets an error's details using the specified token. (Bot Owner Only) >>geterror 9a2e9a374ac90294f225782f362e2ab1
>>getinteraction >>getinteract Retrieves the source image for the interaction with the specified ID. (Bot Owner Only) >>getinteraction 4242ea69
>>liststatuses >>statuses Shows the list of statuses in the status database. (Bot Owner Only) >>liststatuses
>>oserverbots >>osbots Lists the bots and their statuses on the specified server. The lookup is by either name or by guild ID. (Bot Owner Only) >>oserverbots Lucia's Cipher
>>oserverinformation >>oserverinfo >>osinfo Shows information and data on the specified server. The lookup is by either name or guild ID. (Bot Owner Only) >>oserverinformation Lucia's Cipher
>>ouserinformation >>ouserinfo >>ouinfo Shows information and data on the specified user. The lookup is by either Name#Discriminator or by user ID. (Bot Owner Only) >>ouserinformation AXAz0r#0001
>>reload Reloads all of the modules in Sigma. This includes both commands and events. (Bot Owner Only) >>reload
>>removeinteraction >>removeinteract >>delinteraction >>delinteract Remove an interaction with the specified ID. (Bot Owner Only) >>removeinteraction 1ba2e263
>>removestatus >>delstatus Removes a status with the specified ID from Sigma's status database. (Bot Owner Only) >>removestatus 1d9cae144f
>>sabotageuser >>sabuser Sabotages a user making them have extreme bad luck in various modules. (Bot Owner Only) >>sabotageuser 0123456789
>>send Sends a message to a user, channel or server. The first argument needs to be the destination parameter. The destination parameter consists of the destination type and ID. The types are U for User and C for Channel. The type and ID are separated by a colon, or two dots put more simply. (Bot Owner Only) >>send u:0123456789 We are watching...
>>setavatar >>setav Sets the avatar of Sigma either to the linked or attached image. The officially supported formats for bot avatars are JPG and PNG images. Note that bots, like all users, have limited profile changes per time period. (Bot Owner Only) >>setavatar
>>setcooldown >>setcd Sets a global cooldown on a command. The cooldown is user-bound and specified in seconds. (Bot Owner Only) >>setcooldown roll 50
>>setstatus Sets the current playing status of Sigma. To use this, the automatic status rotation needs to be disabled. It can be toggled with the togglestatus command. (Bot Owner Only) >>setstatus with fishies
>>setusername >>setname Sets the name of Sigma to the specified text. Note that bots, like all users, have limited profile changes per time period. (Bot Owner Only) >>setusername Supreme Bot
>>shutdown Forces Sigma to disconnect from Discord and shut down all processes. (Bot Owner Only) >>shutdown
>>sysexec >>sh Executes a shell command. Extreme warning! This executes commands in the Operating System's Shell. Command Prompt on Windows and Bash on Linux. It will execute things on the same level of authority as the program is ran by. Meaning, don't do something stupid and wipe your damn root. (Bot Owner Only) >>sysexec echo 'Hello'
>>test For testing purposes, obviously. Used as a placeholder for testing functions. (Bot Owner Only) >>test
>>togglestatus Toggles if the automatic status rotation is enabled or disabled. (Bot Owner Only) >>togglestatus
>>usermembership >>usrmemb >>umemb Shows membership information and data on the specified user. The lookup is by either Name#Discriminator or by user ID. (Bot Owner Only) >>usermembership 137951917644054529
>>wipeinventory >>wipeinv Wipes the inventory of the user with the given ID. (Bot Owner Only) >>wipeinventory 0123456789
>>wiperesources >>wiperes Wipes all the resources that the user with the given ID owns. (Bot Owner Only) >>wiperesources 0123456789
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Commands Description Example
>>finalfantasyxivtimers >>ffxivtimers >>ffxivt Shows the timers for all FFXIV events and resets. >>finalfantasyxivtimers
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Commands Description Example
>>award >>pay Awards the specified amount of Kud from the vault to a mentioned person. The Kud amount goes first, followed by the target. Anybody can contribute to the vault with the givetovault command, but only users with the Manage Server permission can award Kud from the vault. >>award 500 @person
>>bash >>qdb If you are old enough to know what IRC is or remember what it looked like, then you will appreciate the quotes that the bash command produces. Personal favorite quote command. >>bash
>>cat Outputs a random cat image. Furry felines like it when their owners observe them. >>cat
>>catfact >>kittyfact Outputs a random fact about your lovely furry assh~ eerrrr... I mean, companion! >>catfact
>>chucknorris This command outputs a random Chuck Norris joke. We use Chuck jokes because Bruce Lee is no joke, obviously. >>chucknorris
>>combinenames >>mixnames >>mn Mixes the names of all the targets. >>combinenames @person1 @person2 @person3...
>>cookies Shows how many cookies you have, or how many a mentioned user has. Cookies are given with the givecookie command. >>cookies @person
>>csshumor The only thing better than a joke is a joke written in CSS. And while that is sarcasm to a certain degree, these really are fun. Embrace your inner web designer and read some CSS jokes. >>csshumor
>>cyanideandhappiness >>cnh Outputs an image of a random Cyanide and Happiness comic. Explosm makes awesome comics and animations. >>cyanideandhappiness
>>dab All words escape me on what this command does, just use it. >>dab
>>dadjoke This will provide a joke that might be something your father would say. You know they are bad, but you will love them anyway, cause you're a good kid. >>dadjoke
>>daily Gives an amount of Kud to you with a 22 hour cooldown. The amount is modified by the number of days in a row that you've collected your daily Kud up to 10 days, as well as a little random factor in there just for fun. While the Kud can be collected ever 22h, the streak resets 48h after the last one was collected. >>daily
>>dog Outputs a random dog image. Cutest, loyalest, little woofers. >>dog
>>dogfact >>doggofact Outputs a random fact about man's best friend. >>dogfact
>>famousquote >>fquote Gives you a random inspirational or deep quote. >>famousquote
>>fortune >>fortune-mod Linux users, and raw UNIX users in general will know the fortune-mod. This command uses their entire database to output one of their quotes. >>fortune
>>givecookie >>gibcookie >>gc Gives a cookie to a person. Remember to give them only to nice people. You can give only one cookie every hour and can't give them to yourself or to bots. If you put '@someone' as the person, the cookie will be given to a random member of the server. >>givecookie @person
>>joke Outputs a joke. It is not really special or anything... Sometimes they are funny, most of the times they are not. >>joke
>>kitsunemimi >>fluffytail >>kitsune >>kon Displays a random kitsunemimi image. In case you don't know what a kitsunemimi is, it's a foxgirl. All images are sourced from Safebooru, but be warned that some can be very borderline. >>kitsunemimi
>>leetspeak >>leet >>l33t Turns the specified statement into l33t text. You can specify which level of leet you want your text to be converted to, as shown in the usage example. The accepted levels are basic, advanced, and ultimate. >>leetspeak owned level:ultimate
>>mbti Shows details on MBTI types and functions, as well as compatibility between types. To view compatibility between two types, just enter them both as arguments. Valid types are infp, enfp, infj, enfj, intj, entj, intp, entp, isfp, esfp, istp, estp, isfj, esfj, istj, and estj. Valid functions are fe, fi, ne, ni, se, si, te, and ti. >>mbti infj entj
>>nekomimi >>neko >>nyaa Displays a random nekomimi image. In case you don't know what a nekomimi is, it's a catgirl. All images are sourced from Safebooru, but be warned that some can be very borderline. >>nekomimi
>>numberfact >>numfact >>numf Searches for interesting things about a given number. You can also insert a date in the DAY/MON format. You can specify a type of number you want retrived in the format TYPE:NUMBER. The accepted types are trivia, math, date, and year. You can also specify "random" instead of a number to make it a random number. >>numberfact 42
>>pun If you do not know what a pun is... Oh you poor innocent soul. This command will produce a lovely little pun for you. Enjoy the cringe! >>pun
>>randomactivity >>randomtodo >>randomact >>bored Provides a random thing for you to do... >>randomactivity
>>randomcomicgenerator >>rcg Uses the Cyanide and Happiness random comic generator for buttloads of fun. Personal favorite comic command. >>randomcomicgenerator
>>randomemote >>randomemoji >>ranem Displays a random emote from the server's custom emotes. If you wish to search emotes on all servers, add "--global" as the last argument. Note that this makes the command NSFW due to the possibility of other server's emotes being explicit. >>randomemote
>>randomquestion >>randquestion >>randomq >>rq The bot will ask you a random question, that's all... >>randomquestion
>>realprogrammers >>realdevelopers >>realdevs >>rp >>rd Tells you what real programmers do. >>realprogrammers
>>reversetext >>reverse Reverses the text that you input into the command. >>reversetext hello
>>ronswanson This command outputs a random quote from Ron Swanson. Everyone's favorite character from Parks and Recreation. >>ronswanson
>>scramble >>scramb It randomly scrambles all the text you give the command. By default, it scrambles words individually. If you want to scramble the text as a whole, add "--full" as the last argument. >>scramble I like spaghetti!
>>shootfoot >>sf Tells you how to shoot yourself in the foot with the specified programming language. If no language is provided, it will pick a random one. >>shootfoot Python
>>trade Trade items with another user. The syntax for the command is a little specific, so read the example. Start the command by pinging the user you want to trade with, then list items you want to offer (separated by a comma) followed by the word "for", after which you list items you want to receive (separated by a comma). Currency is not tradeable. Both parties must submit at least one item. Trades are taxed based on the rarity of the items received. >>trade @person Xibello, Floating Yon for Corpse Lily, Copula
>>usagimimi >>usagi >>pyon Displays a random usagimimi image. In case you don't know what a usagimimi is, it's a rabbitgirl. All images are sourced from Safebooru, but be warned that some can be very borderline. >>usagimimi
>>vault >>bank Shows the current amount of Kud in the guild's vault. >>vault
>>visualnovelquote >>vnquote >>vnq Outputs a random quote from a random VN. Displays its source as well, of course. If the source visual novel of the quote is NSFW, the image will be hidden and the footer will state that. >>visualnovelquote
>>xkcd If you like humorous things and know a bit of technology, you will lose a lot of time reading these. XKCD comics are perfect for procrastination and time wasting. >>xkcd
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Commands Description Example
>>commands >>modules >>cmds >>mdls Lists all of Sigma's available modules. To view the commands within a specific module, add the module's name as an argument. >>commands minigames
>>donate Shows donation information for Sigma. >>donate
>>help >>h Provides the link to Sigma's website and support server. To view information on a specific command, add that command's name as an argument. >>help fish
>>invite >>inv Provides Sigma's invitation link to add her to your server. If you can't click/tap embed title URLs, add the word "text" to the command to get the invite in a plain text format. >>invite
>>repository >>repo >>project Shows the link to the project's repository page. You can add "--text" to the command to show just the link as pure text. >>repository
>>showlicense >>license Shows the license of the Apex Sigma project. >>showlicense
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Commands Description Example
>>addinteraction >>addinteract >>addreact Adds new GIF to the specified interaction type. Accepted types are pout, highfive, hug, kiss, pat, shoot, bite, slap, lick, feed, stare, sip, fuck, spank, drink, stab, poke, punch, shrug, facepalm, cry, wave, sleep, laugh, blush, dance, explode, sniff and tackle. >>addinteraction reaction
>>bite >>nom Sink your teeth into some poor thing. >>bite @person
>>blush An overreaction of your face's blood vessels to whatever. >>blush @person
>>cry Somebody is making you sad, let them know that with crocodile tears! >>cry @person
>>dance Feel alive? Like you just wanna... boogie? Let's dance! >>dance @person
>>drink >>chug >>cheers Cheers, family! Let's get drunk! >>drink @person
>>explode >>detonate When all other means fail, it's time to bring out the carpet bomb squadrons. >>explode @person
>>facepalm Somebody just did something so stupid you want to facepalm. >>facepalm @person
>>feed Care to share some of your food with someone cute? >>feed @person
>>fuck >>fucc >>succ Don't question my modules... Yes (º﹃º) >>fuck @person
>>hide Hide from responsibility! >>hide @person
>>highfive Give somebody a high-five cause high-fives are awesome! >>highfive @person
>>hug >>cuddle >>snuggle Even a bot like me can appreciate a hug! The person you mention surely will too. >>hug @person
>>kiss >>peck >>chu >>smooch Humans touching their slimy air vents. How disturbing. >>kiss @person
>>laugh >>laugh @person
>>lick Doesn't someone sometimes look so cute that you just want to lick them? Or maybe they have some food on their face, that's a good excuse. >>lick @person
>>pat >>pato Pat, pat~ Good human, lovely human. I will kill you last. >>pat @person
>>poke >>boop Poke, poke~ Are you alive? >>poke @person
>>pout Make a pouty face at someone and make them change their mind. Or just tease them for being a horrible person. Like when they make you create a pout command for money! >>pout @person
>>punch >>hit You have something on your face. IT WAS PAIN! >>punch @person
>>shoot >>pew When a knife isn't enough. >>shoot @person
>>shrug I don't get it, or I don't care, really, whatever shrug. >>shrug @person
>>sip Ahh yes, I know the feeling of wanting to sit outside on a chilly morning sipping hot tea. >>sip @person
>>slap >>smack When a punch is too barbaric, a slap should be just elegant enough. >>slap @person
>>sleep >>nap My favorite pastime! ...I wish I was permanently asleep. >>sleep @person
>>sniff >>smell Smells nice? Sniff it! >>sniff @person
>>spank When somebody's been naughty, and you gotta teach them a lesson ಠ‿↼ >>spank @person
>>stab >>chib Boy... Somebody really has you pissed off if you are using this one. >>stab @person
>>stare >>jii Jiiiiiiiiiii~ >>stare @person
>>tackle The reason is not important, just run at them full speed. >>tackle @person
>>wave It's not the size of the wave, it's the motion of the ocean~ >>wave @person
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Commands Description Example
>>blindcollector >>nochchain >>nochannelchain Toggles the ability for users to collect chain items from a specific channel. If disabled, only users that have the Manage Channel permission within that channel can collect a chain from it, otherwise a response that they can not target that channel is given. This command requires athe Manage Channels permission. >>blindcollector
>>blockcollector >>nochain >>nocollector >>disablechain >>disablecollector Toggles the ability for other users to collect a chain for you. If active, only you will be able to collect a Markov chain for yourself. If not, the collector works as always, where anybody can start a chain collection for you. >>blockcollector
>>cancelcollector >>cancelcoll Removes you from the collection queue if you're currently in in. You cannot cancel a collection that has already started, nor can you cancel someone else's collection.. >>cancelcollector
>>collectchain >>collch Collects messages sent by the mentioned user and saves it as a chain. Only one chain can be collected at a time so a queue is used. If a user isn't mentioned, it will collect a chain for the author. If a channel isn't mentioned, it will collect items from the current channel. >>collectchain @person #channel
>>combinechains >>combine >>cmbch >>mix Like the impersonate command. This one however targets all mentioned users and uses their combined chains to generate a response. You can specify either a character limit, or a starting state of one to two words (not both). At least one item in the combined chain must contain the specified starting state for this to work. One word starting states are more likely to work than two word starting states. >>combinechains @person_one @person_two
>>currenttime >>time Shows the current time in UTC. You can specify a time zone as well. If you wish to convert time, use the timeconvert command. >>currenttime PDT
>>decrypt Decrypts any message that was encrypted using Sigma's Heart Key. You can add ":t" at the end to force it to be raw text instead of an embed. >>decrypt H7U2JfWkr0zCApDPDkO
>>dokidoki >>doki >>dd Makes a random Markov chain based sentence from a random Doki Doki Literature Club character quote. You can force which character to quote by adding their name or first initial as an argument to the command. You can also force a glitch by adding ":glitch" as the last argument. >>dokidoki
>>encrypt Encrypts the message of your choice using Sigma's Heart Key. The message can be decrypted using the decrypt command. You can add ":t" at the end to force it to be raw text instead of an embed. >>encrypt I will always be here to talk to you for as long as you want.
>>getchain Gives you your chain file as a gzipped json. >>getchain
>>impersonate >>mimic Tries to impersonate the mentioned user if a chain file for them exists. A larger chain will yield a better output. Having a small chain, or chain items that aren't good enough, might result in no output being generated. The optimal chain size is above 5000. You can view your chain size via the chain command. You can specify either a character limit, or a starting state of one to two words (not both). At least one item in your chain must contain the specified starting state for this to work. One word starting states are more likely to work than two word starting states. >>impersonate @person
>>makehash >>hash Creates a hash using the specified hash type. The accepted hash types you can use are sha512, sha3_224, sha3_512, MD4, dsaWithSHA, ripemd160, RIPEMD160, SHA, ecdsa-with-SHA1, sha3_384, SHA512, sha1, SHA224, md4, DSA-SHA, SHA384, blake2b, dsaEncryption, SHA256, sha384, sha, DSA, shake_128, sha224, SHA1, shake_256, sha256, MD5, blake2s, md5, sha3_256, whirlpool. >>makehash md5 Nabzi is best tree.
>>markovchain >>chain Shows how many items you have have in their chain. You can view another user's chain count by mentioning them. >>markovchain @person
>>timeconvert >>tconv Converts the specified time in the specified time zone to the specified time zone. >>timeconvert 18:57 UTC>PST
>>wipechain >>clearchain Wipes your entire Markov chain, if you have one. This cannot be undone. >>wipechain
>>wolframalpha >>wa Makes a request for Wolfram Alpha to process. This can be a lot of things, the most popular being complex math operations. The results are displayed in "pods" and the most relevant pod is shown, along with a link to the full results. Add "--full" as the last argument to display all of the pods. >>wolframalpha 69+42
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Commands Description Example
>>allitems Shows the entire item pool. You can specify a type to only show items of that type. You can also specify the page number you want to see, this goes after the item type if you give one. The item pool is sorted by item rarity. Items used in recipes are marked with an asterisk. >>allitems desserts
>>allitemstats Shows the statistics of the entire item pool. The number of items per type and per rarity. >>allitemstats
>>animechargame >>anichargame >>anicg A minigame where you guess the name of the anime character shown. You can add "hint" in the command to make it show the character's scrambled name. The Kud reward is equal to the number of characters in the shortest part of the character's name. If the hint is used, the Kud reward is split in half. >>animechargame hint
>>bazaar >>dailymarket >>dailyshop The bazaar is a daily market of sorts. It offers items from each profession category (fish, plant, animal) for a fairly high price and changes daily. The items offered are all of Prime rarity or higher, and only 1 item each can be bought until the next reset. The reset time is midnight UTC. The items are random, but forced to be different than the previous day. The bazaar is unique to every user. >>bazaar
>>bazaarstatistics >>bazaarstats Shows various statistics about your bazaar usage. Total currency spent, markup paid, average markup and multiplier, etc. If no user is targeted, the command will show statistics for the command author. Instead of targeting a user, you can type "--total" to see the overall statistics. >>bazaarstatistics @target
>>blackjack >>bj Starts a game of BlackJack with the bot. Hit means you receive a card, stand means you end your turn, and double down means you double your bet and end your turn. You can only double down if you haven't hit. Get a higher sum than the dealer without going over 21 to win. Face cards are 10 each, Ace is 11 or 1. The blackjack payout is 6/5. The winning amount shows the profit without the betting return. >>blackjack 50
>>buyupgrade >>shop Opens Sigma's profession upgrade shop. You can quickly buy an upgrade by putting its name or its position in the shop as an argument. If you do so, you can also specify how many of that upgrade you wish to puchase by adding the quantity as a number after the upgrade parameter. >>buyupgrade luck 10
>>chances Shows a table with your item chance statistics. >>chances @person
>>coinflip >>cf Flips a coin. Nothing complex. You can try guessing the results by typing either Heads or Tails. >>coinflip Heads
>>connectfour >>cfour Starts a connect four game with whomever you mention. If you don't mention anyone, it starts a game with the bot. You move by reacting with 1-7 to specify which column you want. You have roughly 2 minutes per turn to react. >>connectfour @person
>>cook >>craft >>make Uses a recipe to create an item from raw resources that you've gathered. You can see all available recipes with the recipes command. >>cook Shade Tea
>>drawcard >>draw Draws the specified number of cards. The number of cards to draw can't be above 10. The decks are persistent, so if you don't have enough cards left you'll need to make a new deck with the "newdeck" command. >>drawcard 3
>>eightball >>8ball The 8Ball has answers to ALL your questions. Come one, come all, and ask the mighty allknowing 8Ball! Provide a question at the end of the command and await the miraculous answer! >>eightball Will I ever be pretty?
>>filtersell >>fsell Sells all items that have a certain attribute. The accepted attributes are name, type, and rarity. You can add '--duplicates' as the last argument to only sell duplicate items with the specified attribute. >>filtersell rarity:Legendary
>>fish Cast a lure and try to catch some fish. You can fish once every 60 seconds, better not scare the fish away. >>fish
>>forage Go hiking and search nature for all the delicious bounties it has. Look for plants that you might want to use for cooking in the future. You can forage once every 60 seconds, hiking is really tiring. >>forage
>>gamblingstats >>gambstats Shows total gains and losses from gambling minigames for the specified user. You can view the global gains and losses by adding "--global" as an argument. >>gamblingstats @user
>>hangman Classic hangman. Guess the word in less than six tries. You have 30 seconds to guess each letter. The Kud reward is equal to the number of letters in the word. >>hangman
>>hunt Go into the wilderness and hunt for game. You can hunt once every 60 seconds, everyone needs rest. >>hunt
>>inspect >>finditem >>recipe >>fi Shows the name, value, and description of the specified item. If you have this item in your inventory an Item ID will be in the footer. Also shows how many times you've caught this item. If the item is a recipe, the recipe's details, such as ingredients, will also be shown. >>inspect Nabfischz
>>inventory >>backpack >>storage >>bag >>i Displays your inventory. Mention someone else to view their inventory. You start with 64 slots but can get more by upgrading in the shop. You can specify the page number you want to see, as well as a filter. The filter must be the last argument and can be an item name, type, or rarity. The inventory is sorted by item rarity and items used in recipes are marked with an asterisk. >>inventory 2 @person plants
>>inventorystats >>invstats >>bagstats Shows the statistics of the your inventory. The number of items per type and per rarity. You can view another person's stats by mentioning them. >>inventorystats @person
>>itemstatistics >>itemstats Shows the statistics of your item history. How much of which item you've caught, that is. It's sorted by the most caught to the least caught items. Items that you've never obtained are not shown. You can view another person's statistics by mentioning them. >>itemstatistics @person
>>joinrace >>jr Joins a race instance if any are ongoing in the current channel. >>joinrace
>>mangachargame >>mangochargame >>mancg A minigame where you guess the name of the manga character shown. You can add "hint" in the command to make it show the character's scrambled name. The Kud reward is equal to the number of characters in the shortest part of the character's name. If the hint is used, the Kud reward is split in half. >>mangachargame hint
>>mathgame >>mg A mathematics minigame. You are given a problem to solve. Numbers are rounded to 2 decimals. You can also specify how hard you want the problem to be on a scale of 1 to 9. The default difficulty is 3. The time and Kud reward scale with the difficulty and number of hard operators. >>mathgame 4
>>newdeck Rebuilds your deck of cards. >>newdeck
>>race Creates a race in the current text channel. To join the race use the joinrace command. A race needs at least 2 people to start, and has a maximum of 10 participants. You can specify a required buy-in to join the race. The Kud reward is equal to the buy-in mutiplied by the number of participants.. >>race 200
>>recipes >>cookbook Lists all recipes available for making. You can filter the recipes by type by adding "--desserts", "--meals", or "--drinks" as an argument. You can also filter the recipes by whether you have all the ingredients or not by adding "--craftable" as an argument. All filters go after the page number, if you specify one. The recipe list is limited to 10 items per page. You can specify the page number you want to see. >>recipes --meals --craftable
>>resetongoing Resets ongoing locks that are put into place when a minigame runs. For use in case of errors that prevent the minigame from being unlocked again. Clearing ongoing markers has a 5 minute cooldwon. >>resetongoing
>>roll >>dice Rolls a number from 0 to the one you provided. You can also roll dice as in the example above. Following the format [Number of Dice]d[MaxNumber] +[Bonus]. The bonus is individually added as a flat value to all of the rolled dice. >>roll 5d10 +2
>>roulette >>roul Spin the roulette wheel and maybe you'll win. The default bet is 10 Kud but you can specify any amount you want. The syntax of playing is the bet amount first, it can be ommitted however, and then the roulette spot choice in the form of [selector]:[value]. Accepted specifiers are color:black or number:15, column:2, dozen:1, half:1, and type:odd. Good luck. >>roulette 150 color:red
>>rps >>rockpaperscissors Play Rock-Paper-Scissors with Sigma. No cheating, we swear. She just doesn't like you. >>rps s
>>sell Sells an item from your inventory. Input "all" instead of the item name to sell your entire inventory. Input "duplicates" instead of the item name to sell all duplicate items. Put a number before the item name to sell that many of the item. >>sell Copula
>>sequencegame >>sequence >>sqcg Starts a sequence guessing game. 4 symbols will randomly be chosen and you have to guess them in 6 tries or fewer. When a symbol is in the corret position the diamond will be blue. If it is in the sequence but incorrect position, it will be yellow. If the symbol is not in the sequence, it will be red. The symbols can repeat, the Kud award is 50. >>sequencegame
>>slots Spin the slot machine, maybe you win, maybe you don't. Who knows? The default bet is 10 Kud but you can specify any amount you want. The rewards are based on how many of the same icon you get in the middle row. Rewards are different for each icon. The slots can be spun only once every 60 seconds. >>slots 52
>>slotstats Shows payout rates for the slot machine for the specified bet. This does not cost anything. >>slotstats 13000
>>trivia >>triv >>t A trivia minigame. You are given a question and have to input the number of your answer. Guess correctly and you win 10-50 Kud (base), depending on the difficulty. You have 20 seconds to answer the question. Consecutive correct answers give you a streak and the streak increases the Kud gained for each correct answers. Timing out or giving an incorrect answer resets the streak. You can choose the category and difficulty of the question like in the usage example, but choosing either will disable the streak. >>trivia
>>unscramblegame >>unscramble >>usg A minigame where you guess the scrambled word. You have 30 seconds to guess the word shown. The Kud reward is equal to the number of letters in the word. >>unscramblegame
>>upgrades Shows your current upgrade levels. You can view another user's upgrades by mentioning them. >>upgrades @person
>>vnchargame >>vncg A minigame where you guess the name of the visual novel character shown. You can add "hint" in the command to make it show the character's scrambled name. The Kud reward is equal to the number of characters in the shortest part of the character's name. If the hint is used, the Kud reward is split in half. >>vnchargame
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Commands Description Example
>>addline >>al Adds the inputted line to the specified list. >>addline 38fe Lists are awesome!
>>afk Marks you as afk. Whenever someone mentions you they will be notified that you are afk. When you send a message your afk status will be removed. This automatic removal ignores messages that start with the command prefix. >>afk Sleeping or eating, probably both!
>>choose Randomly chooses one item from a list. Separate list items with a semicolon and space. >>choose Sleep; Eat; Code; Lewd Stuff
>>choosemany Randomly chooses items from a list. Specify the number of items chosen via the first argument. Separate list items with a semicolon and space. >>choosemany 2 Sleep; Eat; Code; Lewd Stuff
>>delayreminder >>delayrem >>drm Delays a reminder of yours with the specified ID by the specified duration. >>delayreminder 3f47 7:59:03
>>deletelist >>dellist >>dl Permanently deletes a list. You must be the list creator to delete it. >>deletelist 38fe
>>echo >>say Makes Sigma repeat what you entered, simple enough. >>echo Beep, bop-boop!
>>edgecalculator >>edgecalc Calculates how edgy the targeted person is. If no user is tagged, the target will be the one who uses the command. >>edgecalculator @person
>>editline >>el Edits a line from the specified list. Specify the line to edit by number. >>editline 38fe 3 This line will replace line three.
>>embedecho >>esay >>eecho Just like echo, but the message is an embed object that has you as the author, your color, and the time it was executed. >>embedecho Beep, bop-boop!
>>endraffle >>endraf Prematurely ends a raffle. This command is only usable by the author of the raffle. To end a raffle use the raffle's ID that can be found in its footer. This command has no response aside from a reaction to your message. Green check mark - ended successful Magnifying glass - raffle not found Exclamation mark - no arguments given No entry sign - you aren't the raffle creator >>endraffle 1abc9c
>>httpstatus >>http Shows information about the specified HTTP response status code. Add "cat", "dog", "goat", or "garden" as the last argument for an added bonus. >>httpstatus 404
>>listraffles >>listraf >>lraf Lists all your ongoing raffles and their information, such as when they end and in what channel. >>listraffles
>>listsettings >>ls Marks the specified list as private, locked, or public. Private means no one but the creator can view it. Locked means no one but the creator can add to it. Public means anyone can view it or add to it. Specify the mode by adding it as the argument. >>listsettings 38fe private
>>lovecalculator >>lovecalc Shows the love between two mentioned users. If only one user is mentioned, it will show the love between the mentioned user and the author. >>lovecalculator @person1 @person2
>>makelist >>ml Creates a custom list. The list is public by default, but can be made private (only viewable and editable by you) by adding "private" as an argument, or locked, so anyone can view it but only you can add to it, by adding "locked" as an argument. >>makelist private
>>myreminders >>reminders >>rms Shows a list of the reminders that you have created, the location where they are set to execute in, and when they will be executed. If you add "here" to the end of the command, it will only show reminders made in the current channel. >>myreminders here
>>poll Creates a poll with the items from the inputted list. Separate list items with a semicolon and a space. >>poll Want to eat?; Yes; No; Hand me the cheese!
>>quote Quotes a message from its given ID. The message must have text content or an attachment. The quote author header is clickable and will lead to the message. Note that if you use Discord PTB or Canary you must add "--ptb" or "--canary" for the link to the message to work properly. Embeds cannot be quoted. >>quote 381449702589202432
>>raffle >>giveaway Starts a raffle with a given timer and title. React to the raffle message with the automatically given reaction to enter. When raffle ends a message will be sent in the same channel tagging bot the creator and the winner. You can make the raffle in another channel by mentioning it. You can specify how many winners there should be by adding "winners:n" as the second argument where "n" is the number of winners. There cannot be more winners than entrants and an entrant can only win once. >>raffle 48:30:59 50,000 Kud
>>raffleicon >>raffleemote >>raffleemoji Sets a custom raffle icon. Custom emotes support, of course. It needs to be from the current server though. Enter "disable" to disable the custom raffle emote. >>raffleicon <:waitwhat:596577409768226816>
>>randombetween >>ranin Outputs a random number between two inputted numbers. >>randombetween 59 974
>>redrawraffle >>redraw Redraws a raffle in case that's ever needed. This command is only usable of the raffle. To end a raffle use the raffle's ID that can be found in its footer. This command has no response aside from a reaction to your message. Green check mark - redraw successful Magnifying glass - raffle not found Exclamation mark - no arguments given No entry sign - you aren't the raffle creator >>redrawraffle 1abc9c
>>reminderinfo >>reminder >>rminfo >>rmi Shows information about your reminder with the specified ID, such as when it will execute and where. >>reminderinfo f93f
>>remindme >>setreminder >>remind >>alarm >>rmme Sets a timer that will mention the author when it's done. The time format is Y:W:D:H:M:S, but is not limited to the constraints of their types, meaning you can type "200:5000:999999" if you wish. You can also use numbers suffixed with "y", "w", "d", "h", "m", or "s" to specify a time. Reminders are limited to 3 years, and you are limited to 15 reminders. You can also add "--direct" as the final argument to make the reminder a direct message. >>remindme 1:03:15 LEEEEROOOOY JEEEEEENKIIIIINS!
>>removeline >>delline >>rl Deletes a line from the specified list. Specify the line to delete by number. Line numbers are not tied to specific lines. Deleting line 1 will result in line 2 becoming the new line 1. >>removeline 3
>>removereminder >>delreminder >>unremind >>delrm Deletes a reminder of yours with the specified ID. >>removereminder 1a9e
>>renamelist >>rnl Changes the name of the specified list. Only the creator of the list can change its name. >>renamelist 38fe Fancy List Name
>>shadowpoll Makes a private shadow poll. The users that vote on the shadow poll can only be viewed by its creator. Additional commands can be used to set an expiration timer, the visibility of the poll's current vote count and percentages, and who is allowed to vote on the poll. >>shadowpoll Ban Nuggetlord?; Yes; Yes; Yes; No; Soft
>>shadowpollclose >>spclose Closes/deactivated a shadow poll. Closed polls cannot be voted on and cannot be viewed unless they are set to be visible. >>shadowpollclose 1bca22
>>shadowpolldelete >>spdelete >>spdel Permanently deletes the specified shadow poll. >>shadowpolldelete 1bca22
>>shadowpollexpires >>spexpiration >>spexpires >>spexpire Sets a shadow poll to automatically close after the specified time elapses. The time to close is counted from the command execution, not the initial creation of the poll. When the poll expires the author will be notified of the expiration. Only the poll's creator can edit its expiration time. >>shadowpollexpires 1bca22 48:30:59
>>shadowpollinvisible >>spinvisible >>spinvis Reverts a shadow poll back to invisible. Making its statistics only accessible to the author. All shadow polls are invisible by default. >>shadowpollinvisible 1bca22
>>shadowpolllist >>splist Lists all shadow polls that you have created. You can also list only polls that are active and created in the current server or channel by adding a "server" or "channel" argument to the command. Polls that have expired or that are closed are marked with an exclamation mark. >>shadowpolllist channel
>>shadowpollopen >>spopen Opens a previously closed shadow poll. If the poll has an expiration timer, it will be wiped. >>shadowpollopen 1bca22
>>shadowpollpermit >>sppermit >>spperm Permits a role, channel, or user to vote on the specified shadow poll. If no permission settings are set, anybody can vote on the poll. If any permissions are set, only items permitted can vote on the poll. Tag a user to permit a user, tag a channel to permit a channel, or type the name of a role to permit a role. >>shadowpollpermit 1bca22 #council
>>shadowpollstats >>spstats Shows statistics for the specified shadow poll. Total count of votes and votes for each option as well as percentages. >>shadowpollstats 1bca22
>>shadowpollunpermit >>spunpermit >>spunperm Unpermits a previously permitted item from voting on the specified shadow poll. For more information check the description of the shadowpollpermit command. >>shadowpollunpermit 1bca22 Disowned
>>shadowpollview >>spview Displays a shadow poll's question and possible options. If the poll is not active and not finished, information will not be displayed. If you are the one who created the poll, the information will be displayed regardless. >>shadowpollview 1bca22
>>shadowpollvisible >>spvisible >>spvis Marks a poll as visible. If a poll is visible anybody can see its statistics, such as its total vote count and how many votes each choice received. >>shadowpollvisible 1bca22
>>shadowpollvote >>spvote Votes on a shadow poll. Choosing multiple options is not allowed. Re-using the command will result in your vote being changed. Both the poll ID and your choice number are required. >>shadowpollvote 1bca22 2
>>shadowpollvoters >>spvoters Shows all the users that voted on the specified shadow poll and what they voted for. This command can only be used by the author of the poll. >>shadowpollvoters 1bca22
>>shadowpollwipe >>spwipe Completely resets the specified shadow poll's statistics. Deleting all the data about who voted for what option. >>shadowpollwipe 1bca22
>>tempcategory >>tempctg Sets the category for temporary voice channels. You can specify the category by either its name or ID. To disable this and use the default category, write disable after the command instead of a channel. >>tempcategory General Category
>>temproom >>tempvc >>room Makes a temporary voice channel that you can fully manage. Once everyone leaves the channel (not including bots) it's destroyed. The temp voice channels are checked by their prefix ([\u03A3]), if this is edited out, the channel will not be destroyed when emptied. >>temproom Orgy For One
>>viewlist >>vl Shows the specified custom list. >>viewlist 38fe
>>viewlists >>vls Shows all of the custom lists on the server. >>viewlists
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Commands Description Example
>>activatewarning >>activatewarn >>actwarn Reactivates the mentioned user's warning. Warns are marked as inactive when removed. Both the user mention and the warning ID are needed for the command. The specified warning must be marked inactive before it can be reactivated. Only the server owner can use this command. >>activatewarning @person 1abc
>>autopunish >>automod Toggles the auto punishment feature on or off. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>autopunish
>>autopunishlevels >>automodlevels Sets the desired punishment for a certain number of warnings. When a user accrues enough warnings, the punishment will be applied automatically. Multiple levels can be set. You can also set the punishment to be timed by adding the time as the last argument, in the format HH:MM:SS. Provide no arguments to display the current levels. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>autopunishlevels 1:textmute 12:0:0
>>ban Bans a user from the server. This will also remove all messages from that user in the last 24h. The user can only be specified via a mention tag. This is to preserve compatibility with logging and audit logs. You can specify a duration by adding "--time=HH:MM:SS" as the last argument. The user will be automatically unbanned after the duration elapses. This command requires the Ban permission. >>ban @person Way, WAY too spicy for us...
>>hardmute >>hmute Hard-mutes the mentioned user. Users who are hard-muted are disallowed from typing to any channel. There is no message deletion, this is a permission based mute. Due to adding a user override to every editable channel, this can spam audit logs. You can specify a duration by adding "--time=HH:MM:SS" as the last argument. The user will be automatically unbanned after the duration elapses. This command requires the Manage Channels permission. >>hardmute @person For talking about the fight club.
>>hardunmute >>hunmute Unmutes a hard-muted person, allowing them to send messages again. This command requires the Manage Channels permission. >>hardunmute @person
>>issuewarning >>warn Issues a warning to a user with the specified reason. The warning reason is not required. When the user is warned they will be sent a direct message about it. Each warning has a unique ID that you can user to view with the viewwarning command. This command requires the Manage Messages permission. >>issuewarning @person Took too long in the bathroom.
>>kick Kicks a user from the server. The user can only be mentioned by a mention tag. This is to preserve compatibility with logging and audit logs. This command requires the Kick permission. >>kick @person Couldn't handle the spice.
>>listinactivewarnings >>inacwarnings >>inacwarns Lists all inactive warnings issued to the mentioned user. The list is compact and shows only each warning's ID, issuer, and issue date. The list is paginated, each page has up to 5 warnings. You can also specify the page number you want to see as the last argument. Only the server owner can use this command. >>listinactivewarnings @person
>>listwarnings >>warnings >>warns Lists all active warnings issued to the mentioned user. The list is compact and shows only each warning's ID, issuer, and issue date. The list is paginated, each page has up to 5 warnings. You can also specify the page number you want to see as the last argument. If you have the Manage Messages permissions you can view anyone's warnings, otherwise you can only view your own warnings. >>listwarnings @person
>>massban >>mban Bans all the mentioned users from the server. Users can only be mentioned by a mention tag. This is to preserve compatibility with logging and audit logs. If you don't have the permissions to kick someone, the reason will be returned and no one will be banned. This command requires the Ban permission. >>massban @person1 @person2 @person3 Way, WAY too spicy for us...
>>masskick >>mkick Kicks all the mentioned users from the server. Users can only be mentioned by a mention tag. This is to preserve compatibility with logging and audit logs. If you don't have the permissions to kick someone, the reason will be returned and no one will be kicked. This command requires the Kick permission. >>masskick @person1 @person2 @person3 Couldn't handle the spice.
>>massmove >>mmove Moves all members from one voice channel to another. Both channels require an identifier;either its name or its ID. The channel identifiers channel should be separated with a semicolon and a space "; ". This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>massmove 1234567890; New Voice
>>mutedusers >>listmuted >>mutedlist Displays a list of currently text-muted and hard-muted users, ass well as when those mutes expire, if timed. >>mutedusers
>>purge >>prune Deletes messages matching the given filters. There is a hard cap of 100 messages per purge. Mentioning a user will only delete their messages. Providing a limit will only delete within the last X messages. Omitting the user and limit will only delete Sigma's messages. There are several arguments avaiable to filter what's deleted. "attachments" only delete messages with attachments. "emotes" only delete messages that are emotes. "untilpin" stop deleting when a pin is reached. "content:thing to delete" only delete messages including "thing to delete". Due to this including everything after the ":", it's recommended this be the last argument. This command requires the Manage Messages permission. >>purge X @person
>>removeinactivewarning >>delinacwarning >>delinacwarn Permanently deletes the mentioned user's warning. Both the user mention and the warning ID are needed for the command. The specified warning must be marked as inactive. This cannot be undone. Only the server owner can use this command. >>removeinactivewarning @person 1abc
>>removereaction >>removeemote >>rememote Removes the given emote from the specified message. Specify the message by its ID. If the emote is custom, use its name, otherwise use the actual emote. This command requires the Manage Messages permission. >>removereaction 1234567890 lcHello
>>removewarning >>unwarn Marks the specified user's warning as inactve. Inactive warnings won't appear on a user's list of warnings. Both the user mention and the warning ID are needed for the command. This command requires the Manage Messages permission. >>removewarning @person 1abc
>>softban >>sb Soft-Ban a user from the server. This bans the user and then immediately unbans them. Useful if you want to purge all messages from that user in the last 24h. The user can only be mentioned by a mention tag. This is to preserve compatibility with logging and audit logs. This command requires the Ban permission. >>softban @person Some spice needed de-spicing.
>>textmute >>tmute Disallows the user from typing. Well technically, it will make Sigma auto delete any message they send. You can add a reason after the user mention if desired. Users with the Those with the Administrator permission are not affected. You can specify a duration by adding "--time=HH:MM:SS" as the last argument. The user will be automatically unmuted after the duration elapses. This command requires the Manage Messages permission. >>textmute @person Was too spicy!
>>textunmute >>tunmute Removes the mentioned person from the list of muted users, making Sigma no longer delete their messages. This command requires the Manage Messages permission. >>textunmute @person
>>unban Unbans a banned user matching specified username. This command requires the Ban permission. >>unban Chicken Shluggets
>>viewinactivewarning >>viewinacwarning >>inacwarning Shows detailed information for the mentioned user's warning. Both the user mention and the warning ID are needed for the command. The specified warning must be marked as inactive. Only the server owner can use this command. >>viewinactivewarning @person 1abc
>>viewwarning >>warninginfo >>warning Shows detailed information for the specified user's warning. Both the user mention and the warning ID are needed for the command. This command requires the Manage Messages permission. >>viewwarning @person 1abc
>>voicekick >>vkick Kicks a user from voice chat. It completely disconnects the mentioned user by creating a new voice channel, moving them to it, then deleting that voice channel. This command requires the Kick permission. >>voicekick @person
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Commands Description Example
>>disconnect >>stop Stops the music, disconnects Sigma from the current voice channel, and purges the music queue. >>disconnect
>>nowplaying >>currentsong >>playing >>np Shows information on the currently playing song. >>nowplaying
>>pause Pauses the music player. >>pause
>>play >>start Starts playing the music queue. >>play
>>queue >>add Queues up a song to play from YouTube. Either from a direct URL or text search. Playlists are supported but take a long time to process. If no query is provided, the current queue will be showed instead. The list is paginated, each page has up to 5 items. You can specify the page number you want to see. >>queue Kaskade Disarm You Illenium Remix
>>repeat Toggles if the current queue should be repeated. Whenever a song is played, it's re-added to the end of the queue. >>repeat
>>resume Resumes the music player. >>resume
>>shuffle Randomizes the current song queue. >>shuffle
>>skip >>next Skips the currently playing song. >>skip
>>summon >>move If Sigma isn't connected to any channel, she will connect to yours. If it is connected, it will move to you. >>summon
>>unqueue >>remove Removes a song from the queue. Minimum number is 1 and the maximum is however many items the queue has. >>unqueue 5
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Commands Description Example
>>jisho Searches Jisho, which is the Japanese language dictionary, for the specified term. Returns various types of information regarding the term. >>jisho Kawaii
>>kanji Searches Jisho, which is the Japanese language dictionary, for specified kanji. Returns stroke count, stroke order, parts, variants, meanings, and readings. >>kanji 夢
>>wanikani >>wk Shows the mentioned user's WaniKani statistics. If no person is mentioned, it will show the author's stats. This requires the target to have a WaniKani API key stored with the wanikanisave command. >>wanikani @person
>>wanikanisave >>wksave Saves your WaniKani API key in the database so the wanikani command can be used. >>wanikanisave 123456798
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Commands Description Example
>>boobs >>tits Outputs a random NSFW image focusing on the breasts of the model. >>boobs
>>butts >>ass Outputs a random NSFW image focusing on the butt of the model. >>butts
>>danbooru >>danb Searches Danbooru for the specified tag. If no tag is given, the keyword "nude" will be used Separate different tags with a space and replace spaces within a single tag with underscores "_". >>danbooru ovum
>>e621 Searches E621 for the specified tag. If no tag is given, the keyword "nude" will be used. Separate different tags with a space and replace spaces within a single tag with underscores "_". >>e621 knot
>>gelbooru >>gelb Searches Gelbooru for the specified tag. If no tag is given, the keyword "nude" will be used Separate different tags with a space and replace spaces within a single tag with underscores "_". >>gelbooru ovum
>>keyvis Returns a Key Visual Arts VN CG. It picks a random VN and a random CG from that VN. You can specify the VN you want the CG to be from. "kud" - Kud Wafter "air" - Air "kanon" - Kanon "little" - Little Busters "clan" - Clannad "plan" - Planetarian "rewr" - Rewrite "harv" - Rewrite Harvest Festa This command is NSFW due to some CGs being explicit. >>keyvis kud
>>konachan >>kchan Searches Konachan for the specified tag. If no tag is given, the keyword "nude" will be used. Separate different tags with a space and replace spaces within a single tag with underscores "_". >>konachan thighhighs
>>rule34 >>r34 Searches Rule34 for the specified tag. If no tag is given, the keyword "nude" will be used Separate different tags with a space and replace spaces within a single tag with underscores "_". >>rule34 switch
>>xbooru >>xb Searches Xbooru for the specified tag. If no tag is given, the keyword "nude" will be used. Separate different tags with a space and replace spaces within a single tag with underscores "_". >>xbooru ovum
>>yandere >>yre Searches yandere for the specified tag. If no tag is given, the keyword "nude" will be used. Separate different tags with a space and replace spaces within a single tag with underscores "_". >>yandere naked_apron
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Commands Description Example
>>osu Generates a signature image with the specified user's stats for osu!. You can specify the mode by adding it as the last argument, starting with a double hyphen '--'. For example, add '--mania' as the last argument to view stats for the mania mode. >>osu AXAz0r --mania
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Commands Description Example
>>disable >>dsb Enables or disables a command/module. Use the syntax {c m}:{name} to specify if it's a command or a module, and its name. You can use a command's alias instead of its full name if desired. This command requires the Manage Server permission.
>>disabled >>dsbd Shows a list of commands or modules that are disabled on the server. Commands/modules that are disabled, but overridden in any way, will have an asterisk. The list is paginated, each page has up to 50 items. You can specify the page number you want to see. >>disabled commands
>>enable >>enb Enables a previosuly disabled command/module. Use the syntax {c m}:{name} to specify if it's a command or a module, and its name. You can use a command's alias instead of its full name if desired. This command requires the Manage Server permission.
>>permit >>perm >>prm Adds an override for the for specified command/module. Use the syntax {type} {c m}:{name} to specify if it's a command or a module, and its name. The accepted types are channels, users, and roles. You can specify multiple targets at once. If you set roles as the type, separate the specified roles with a semi-colon and a space "; ". This command requires the Manage Server permission.
>>permitted >>permed >>prmd Lists all overrides of the specified type for the specified command or module. Use the syntax {type} {c m}:{name} to specify if it's a command or a module, and its name. The accepted types are channels, users, and roles. You can use a command's alias instead of its full name if desired. The list is paginated, each page has up to 50 items.
>>unpermit >>uperm >>uprm Removes a previosuly added override for the for specified command/module. Use the syntax {type} {c m}:{name} to specify if it's a command or a module, and its name. The accepted types are channels, users, and roles. You can specify multiple targets at once. If you set roles as the type, separate the specified roles with a semi-colon and a space "; ". This command requires the Manage Server permission.
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Commands Description Example
>>addselfrole >>addrank >>asr Sets a role as self assignable. Roles that are self assignable can be manually assign by anyone. To assign a self assignbale role to yourself, use the togglerole command. This command requires the Manage Roles permission. >>addselfrole Cheese Lover
>>autorole >>autorank Sets which role should be given to members upon joing the server. The role must be below Sigma's highest role. If you want to disable the autorole, input "disable" as the role name. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>autorole Newcomer
>>autoroletimeout >>arltimeout >>arlt Sets the number of seconds Sigma should wait before assigning the set auto-role. To disable the timeout, input 0 as the timeout. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>autoroletimeout 600
>>bindemoterole >>berl Binds a role to an emote role group. Emote role groups are limited to 10 roles per group. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>bindemoterole 5a8e3 King Killers
>>bindinvite >>bindinvs >>binvite >>binv Binds an invite to a role. When a member joins the server using that invite, the specified role will be given to them. This command requires the Create Instant Invites permission. >>bindinvite aEUCHwX Cheese Lovers
>>bindrole >>brl Binds a role to a role group. Role groups are limited to 32 roles per group. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>bindrole 5a8e3 King Killers
>>boundinvites >>boundinvs >>binvites >>binvs Lists all invites that are bound and what they are bound to. This command requires the Create Instant Invites permission. >>boundinvites
>>colorme >>colourme >>clrme >>cme If the current guild has color roles enabled, you can assign one to yourself with this command. For more information about how this works, use the help command on "colorroles". Any other color roles made via this command will be removed from you prior to adding the new one. >>colorme #1abc9c
>>deleteemoterolegroup >>derg Deletes an emote role group. This cannot be undone. Emote role groups are created with the makeemoterolegroup command. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>deleteemoterolegroup 5a8e3
>>deleterolegroup >>drg >>rrg Deletes a role group. This cannot be undone. Role groups are created with the makerolegroup command. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>deleterolegroup 5a8e3
>>delselfrole >>delrank >>rsr >>dsr This command requires the Manage Roles permission. >>delselfrole Meat Lover
>>giverole >>giverank >>grole >>grank Gives the specified role to the mentioned user. The role must be below Sigma's highest role. This command requires the Manage Roles permission. >>giverole @person Grandma
>>listemoterolegroups >>lerg Lists all emote role groups on the server. The list is paginated, each page has up to 10 items. You can specify the page number you want to see. To view an emote role group's details, such as the populace and roles that are bound to that group, use the viewemoterolegroup command. >>listemoterolegroups 2
>>listrolegroups >>lrg Lists all role groups on the server. The list is paginated, each page has up to 10 items. You can specify the page number you want to see. To view a role group's details, such as the populace and roles that are bound to that group, use the viewrolegroup command. >>listrolegroups 2
>>listselfroles >>listranks >>listroles >>ranks >>roles >>lsrl Lists all self assignable roles on the server. >>listselfroles
>>makeemoterolegroup >>merg Creates an emote role group for binding roles to. Emote roles need to be bound to groups due to messages havinga limited number of reactions that can be added. An upside is this allows you to place multiple emote toggle messages in different places with slight alterations. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>makeemoterolegroup
>>makeemotetoggles >>metg Makes the core message that cotains the emotes for the emote role togglers. Specify the group you want to a message for by ID. Youcan also specify the channel you want it to go. If no channel is specified, the toggler will be created in the current channel. The toggler message contains instruction on how to use the toggles. You can add "nodesc" to the end of the command if you don't want the toggle instructions to be displayed in the toggler message. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>makeemotetoggles 5a8e3 #channel
>>makerolegroup >>mrg >>crg Creates a role group for binding a role to. Role groups are limited to 32 roles per group. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>makerolegroup
>>pruneroles >>proles Removes all empty roles from the server that are below Sigma. This command requires the Manage Roles permission. >>pruneroles
>>removerole >>removerank >>rrole >>rrank Removes the specified role from the mentioned user. The role must be below Sigma's highest role. This command requires the Manage Roles permission. >>removerole @person Wangly
>>syncinvites >>syncinvs >>sinvs Forces an update of the invite cache for your server. For use if you have suspicions that the bound role counters are out of sync. >>syncinvites
>>togglerole >>togglerank >>rank >>trl Toggles a self assignable role. If you don't have the role, it will be given to you. If you do have the role, it will be removed from you. >>togglerole Overlord
>>toggleselfrole >>tsr The addselfrole and delselfrole in one. It toggles the self-assignability of a role. This command requires the Manage Roles permission. >>toggleselfrole Meat Lover
>>unbindemoterole >>uberl Unbinds a role from an emote role group. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>unbindemoterole 5a8e3 Serpent Squires
>>unbindinvite >>unbinvite >>unbindinv >>unbinv Unbinds a previously bound invite from its bound role. If the invite with that ID no longer exists on your server, add ":f" to the end to force remove it. Please note that when you force the removal of an invite that it is case sensitive. This command requires the Create Instant Invites permission. >>unbindinvite aEUCHwX
>>unbindrole >>ubrl Unbind a role from a role group. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>unbindrole 5a8e3 Serpent Squires
>>viewemoterolegroup >>verg Shows details on the specified emote role group, such as the roles that are in the group and the total population of the group's roles. >>viewemoterolegroup 5a8e3
>>viewrolegroup >>vrg Shows details on the specified role group, such as roles that are in the group and the total population of the group roles. >>viewrolegroup 5a8e3
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Commands Description Example
>>anime >>animu >>kitsuanime Searches for the specified anime. The outputed results will be information like the number of episodes, user rating, air time, plot summary, and poster image. >>anime Plastic Memories
>>antonyms >>antonym >>ant Looks up words that have the opposite meaning of the specified term. >>antonyms late
>>crates >>crate >>cargo Search Rust's/Cargo's package repository on for the specified package and displays its details. >>crates javelin
>>cryptocurrency >>cryptocur >>crypcur >>ecoin Shows the statistics for the specified crypto currency. Stats include the current market cap, price, supply, volume, and change. >>cryptocurrency ethereum
>>deezer >>music >>findsong Searches Deezer for infomation on the specified song. The output will include a song preview link. >>deezer Highway to Hell
>>describe >>desc Looks up words that are often used to describe nouns or are often used by the adjective. Specify the mode in the first argument. adjectives, adjective, adj, a: To look up nouns that are often described by an adjective. nouns, noun, n: To look up adjectives that are often used to describe a noun. >>describe noun ocean
>>dictionary >>dict >>definition >>define >>def Searches the Oxford dictionary for the definition of your input. >>dictionary cork
>>giphy >>gif Searches Giphy with the specified tag and returns a random result. The tag can be multiple words. >>giphy kittens
>>homophones >>homophone Looks up words that sound like the specified term. >>homophones coarse
>>imdb >>movie Searches the Internet Movie Database for your input. Gives you the poster, release year, and who stars in the movie, as well as a link to the page of the movie. >>imdb Blade Runner
>>lyrics >>lyr Searches for the lyrics of the specified song. Requires both the song and artist, separated by a dash "-". If no arguments are given, it will try to get the currently playing song's lyrics. >>lyrics Imagine Dragons - Radioactive
>>manga >>mango >>kitsumanga Searches for the specified manga. The outputed results will be information like the number of chapters, user rating, plot summary, and poster image. >>manga A Silent Voice
>>mapsearch >>maps >>map Searches Google Maps for the specified location. If specific details aren't found about the location, it will return in a broad search. >>mapsearch Belgrade
>>metacritic >>mc Shows MetaCritic scores for games, movies, tv, and music albums. Search fields are separated by forward slashes. You can also search to view a list of results. The 'type' field when searching can be game, movie, tv, or music. The 'season' field for tv and 'artist' field for music are both optional and can be omitted. See the examples below. Games: game/platform/title (game/ps4/fallout 4) Movies: movie/title (movie/pulp fiction) TV: tv/title/season (tv/lost/season 1) Music: music/album/artist (music/love/the beatles) Search: search/type/title (search/game/fallout) >>metacritic game/ps4/fallout 4
>>pythonpackage >>pythonpackageindex >>pypackage >>pypi Search Python's/PyPi's package repository on for the specified package and displays its details. >>pythonpackage pip
>>reddit Enter a subreddit and it will show a random post from the current top posts in hot. You can specify what filter to search the subreddit with as an argument after the subreddit name. The accepted arguments are TopHot, RandomHot, TopNew, RandomNew, TopTop, and RandomTop. Results are limited to posts made within the last week. >>reddit ProgrammerHumor
>>rhymes >>rhyme Looks up words that rhymes with the specified term. >>rhymes forgetful
>>safebooru >>safe Returns a random image from the safebooru image repository. If no tag is given, the keyword "cute" will be used. Separate different tags with a space and replace spaces within a single tag with underscores "_". >>safebooru kawaii
>>soundslike >>soundlike Looks up words that sound similar to the specified term. >>soundslike elefint
>>spelledlike >>spelllike >>spellike >>spellcheck Looks up words that are spelled similarly to the specified term. Supports the following wildcards: ? - one character * - one or many characters >>spelledlike coneticut
>>synonyms >>synonym >>syn Looks up words that have exactly or nearly the same meaning as the specified term. >>synonyms ocean
>>twitch Gives basic information about the given Twitch channel and some stats, if available. >>twitch axaz0r
>>unsplash >>image >>img Searches Unsplash with the specified query and returns a random result. The tag can be multiple words. >>unsplash puppies
>>urbandictionary >>urbandict >>urban >>ud Looks up the definition for a word or term in the Urban Dictionary. It is strongly suggested to take these with a grain of salt. The top rated definition is shown by default, but you can show a random definition by adding '--random' as the last argument. >>urbandictionary dictionary
>>visualnoveldatabase >>vndb >>vn Returns information about the given Visual Novel search. You can specify an ID instead of a name to get the exact result. You can also enter "--random" to get a random visual novel. Novels that are NSFW will not appear in channels that are not marked as such. >>visualnoveldatabase Imojoku
>>weather >>we Shows the current weather for the specified location. You can add "unit:x" as the last argument where x is one of c, f, metric, or imperial. >>weather Belgrade unit:si
>>wikipedia >>wiki Returns the summary of the specified wikipedia page. If a search is too general, an error will be returned. >>wikipedia Thread (Computing)
>>youtube >>yt A simple YouTube search. Outputs the resulting video's information and URL. You can add "--text" at the end of your search to make it a normal URL to the video instead of an embed with information. >>youtube Game Grumps
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Commands Description Example
>>addcommand >>addcmd Adds a custom command to the server. Whenever the specified trigger word is used with a command prefix, the specified response will be returned. This command requires the Manage Server permission. Custom commands can have special dynamic arguments in them. {author_name} - Message author's name. {author_nick} - Message author's nickname. {author_mention} - Tag the message author. {author_id} - Message author's ID. {channel_name} - Channel name. {channel_mention} - Channel tag. {channel_id} - Channel ID. {server_name} - Server name. {server_id} - Server ID. {target_name} - Target's name. {target_nick} - Target's nickname. {target_mention} - Tag the target. {target_id} - Target's ID. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>addcommand hi Hello {author_name}!
>>addreactor >>addreac Adds an automatic reactor to the server. Whenever the specified trigger is detected, Sigma will react to the message with the specified emote. The trigger can be a word or phrase. The ":lcHello:" above given in the example is a custom emote. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>addreactor hi there :lcHello:
>>addresponder >>addres Adds an auto-responder to the server. Sigma will automatically reply with the set message to any sentence that contains the specified trigger in it as a standalone word. The trigger can be a word or phrase, separate the trigger from the response with a semicolon. Responders can have special dynamic arguments in them. {author_name} - Message author name. {author_nick} - Message author nickname. {author_mention} - Tag the message author. {author_id} - Message author's ID. {channel_name} - Channel name. {channel_mention} - Channel tag. {channel_id} - Channel ID. {server_name} - Server name. {server_id} - Server ID. {target_name} - Target name. {target_nick} - Target nickname. {target_mention} - Tag the target. {target_id} - Target ID. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>addresponder how are you; I am well!
>>anticaps Toggles the anticaps limiter. The default is a minimum of 5 capital letters and 60% of the message being caps. This can be controlled with the "capslimit" and "capspercentage" commands. >>anticaps
>>antispam Toggles the antispam limiter. This basically enforces a custom rate limiter upon users. The default is 5 messages per 5 seconds. >>antispam
>>asciionlynames >>forceascii Toggles if only ASCII characters are allowed in names. The bot will check member's names every 60s for non ASCII characters and rename them if found. To change the default temporary name, use the asciitempname command. >>asciionlynames
>>asciitempname >>asciitemp Changes the default temporary name for those who the temporary ASCII name was enforced on. >>asciitempname <ChangeMePleaseI'mLonely>
>>blockarguments >>blockargument >>blockargs >>blockarg Disallows commands to be used with the given arguments. If a command contains a blocked argument, it's execution is prevented, with only a reaction added to the message indicating it being blocked. Those with the Administrator permission are not affected. >>blockarguments loli vore
>>blockedarguments >>blockedargs Lists all blocked arguments on the server. >>blockedarguments
>>blockedextensions >>blockedexts Lists all blocked extensions on the server. >>blockedextensions
>>blockednames Lists all blocked names on the server. >>blockednames
>>blockedwords Lists all blocked words on the server. >>blockedwords
>>blockextensions >>blockextension >>blockexts >>blockext Adds all the extensions you list to the extension filter. If any of the extensions in the filter are sent, the message will be deleted and the author will be notified. Extensions should not be separated by a delimiter. Those with the Administrator permission are not affected. >>blockextensions .png .jpg
>>blockinvites >>filterinvites Toggles if invite links should be automatically removed. If any invite links are sent, the message will be deleted and the author will be notified. Those with the Administrator permission are not affected. >>blockinvites
>>blocknames >>blockname Adds all the names you list to the name filter. If any of the names in the filter are in a user's name when they join the server, the user will be automatically banned. This is very intolerant. For example if you block the name "ass" it will ban anyone who joins with words like "assassin" in their name. Names should not be separated by a delimiter. A user's name is only checked upon them joining the server. >>blocknames
>>blockwords >>blockword Adds all the words you list to the blocked words filter. If any of the words in the filter are sent, the message will be deleted and the author will be notified. Words should not be separated by a delimiter. Those with the Administrator permission are not affected. >>blockwords crap ass tits
>>bye >>goodbye Toggles if Sigma should say when users leave the server. The goodbye feature is active by default. >>bye
>>byechannel >>byech Sets the channel the goodbye messages should be sent to. >>byechannel #welcome
>>byeembed >>byeemb Toggles whether bye messages are an embed or not. Also customizes the embed that is used. You can change the embed color, set the thumbnail, and set the image. To do so, specify the field and the value separated by a colon (see usage example). The accepted fields are color, thumbnail, and image. Color accepts only HEX codes, while the other two accept only direct image URLs. Provide no arguments to toggle this feature on or off. >>byeembed color:1abc9c
>>byemessage >>byemsg This sets the message shown on the server when a member leaves. Goodbye messages can have special dynamic arguments in them. {user_name} - Leaving user's name. {user_disc} - "#xxxx" in the user's name. {user_nick} - Message author's nickname. {user_mention} - Tag the leaving user. {user_id} - Leaving user's ID. {server_name} - Server name. {server_id} - Server ID. {owner_name} - Server owner's name. {owner_disc} - "#xxxx" in the server owner's name. {owner_nick} - Server owner's nickname. {owner_mention} - Tag the server owner. {owner_id} - Server owner's ID. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>byemessage Goodbye {user_mention}!
>>capslimit Sets the minimum number of capital letters in a message to check for before the message is checked for what percentage of it is in caps. Message below this limit will be ignored. >>capslimit 9
>>capspercentage >>capspercent Sets the minimum percentage of capital letters in a message to check for before it is deleted. For example, if 80% of the message is caps (as set in the usage example), it will be deleted. >>capspercentage 80
>>chatterbot >>ai >>cb Toggles the ChatterBot core on and off. >>chatterbot
>>collectionjar Toggles the collection jar on or off, depending on its previous state. A collection jar is like a swear jar, but for the specified word. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>collectionjar
>>collectiontrigger >>jartrigger Sets the server's trigger for the collection jar. If someone says this word on the server, one point will be added to the collection jar. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>collectiontrigger
>>colorroles Toggles the color role feature. This is deactivated by default. Once enabled, members can use the colorme command to get a role with their requested hex color. Roles created with this feature have a SCR prefix in them and are created to be just one place under Sigma's top role with no permission changes. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>colorroles
>>customcommands >>customcmds >>custcmds >>ccmds Shows a list of the server's custom commands. The list is separated into pages of 10 items each. You can specify the page number you want to see. >>customcommands 4
>>deletecommands >>delcmds Toggles whether messages that are a command should be automatically deleted. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>deletecommands
>>editincident >>editinc Edits an incident's reason. Reasons have a limit of 1000 characters. Specify the incident by its ID. This command requires the Manage Messages permission. >>editincident e27e2e59 Extra spicy!
>>exportincidents >>exportincs Exports all instances on server to a text file and DM's it to you. This requires that allow direct messages from server members. This command requires the Manage Messages permission. >>exportincidents
>>filterautowarn Toggles whether users will automatically receive a warning upon triggering the blacklisted word/extentions filter. Like the issuewarning command does, but automated. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>filterautowarn
>>filterignore >>fignore Adds an override for the for specified filter. The accepted types are channels, users, and roles. The accepted filters are arguments, extensions, words, and invites. You can specify multiple targets at once. If you set roles as the type, separate the specified roles with a semi-colon and a space "; ". This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>filterignore roles words Mods; Admins
>>filteroverrides >>foverrides >>fovrs Lists all overrides for the specified filter. The accepted filters are arguments, extensions, words, and invites. >>filteroverrides words
>>filterunignore >>funignore Remvoes an override for the for specified filter. The accepted types are channels, users, and roles. The accepted filters are arguments, extensions, words, and invites. You can specify multiple targets at once. If you set roles as the type, separate the specified roles with a semi-colon and a space "; ". This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>filterunignore roles words Mods; Admins
>>flagtranslate >>flagtrans Toggles flag translating on or off. When enabled, reacting to a message with two flags will trigger Sigma to send a translation of it from the first flag language to the second flag language. Flag languages are determined by that country's official language. >>flagtranslate
>>greet Toggles if Sigma should greet users when they enter the server. The greeting feature is active by default. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>greet
>>greetchannel >>greetch Sets the channel the greeting messages should be sent to. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>greetchannel #welcome
>>greetdm >>greetpm Toggles if Sigma should greet users via a DM when they enter the server. This can be enabled in addition to server-bound greetings. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>greetdm
>>greetdmembed >>greetdmemb Toggles whether DM greet messages are an embed or not. Also customizes the embed that is used. You can change the embed color, set the thumbnail, and set the image. To do so, specify the field and the value separated by a colon (see usage example). The accepted fields are color, thumbnail, and image. Color accepts only HEX codes, while the other two accept only direct image URLs. Provide no arguments to toggle this feature on or off. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>greetdmembed color:1abc9c
>>greetdmmessage >>greetdmmsg This sets the message shown in the DM when a member joins. Greet messages can have special dynamic arguments in them. {user_name} - Joining user's name. {user_disc} - "#xxxx" in the user's name. {user_nick} - Message author's nickname. {user_mention} - Tag the leaving user. {user_id} - Joining user's ID. {server_name} - Server name. {server_id} - Server ID. {owner_name} - Server owner's name. {owner_disc} - "#xxxx" in the server owner's name. {owner_nick} - Server owner's nickname. {owner_mention} - Tag the server owner. {owner_id} - Server owner's ID. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>greetdmmessage Hello {user_mention}, welcome to {server_name}!
>>greetembed >>greetemb Toggles whether greet messages are an embed or not. Also customizes the embed that is used. You can change the embed color, set the thumbnail, and set the image. To do so, specify the field and the value separated by a colon (see usage example). The accepted fields are color, thumbnail, and image. Color accepts only HEX codes, while the other two accept only direct image URLs. Provide no arguments to toggle this feature on or off. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>greetembed color:1abc9c
>>greetmessage >>greetmsg This sets the message shown on the server when a member joins. Greet messages can have special dynamic arguments in them. {user_name} - Joining user's name. {user_disc} - "#xxxx" in the user's name. {user_nick} - Message author's nickname. {user_mention} - Tag the leaving user. {user_id} - Joining user's ID. {server_name} - Server name. {server_id} - Server ID. {owner_name} - Server owner's name. {owner_disc} - "#xxxx" in the server owner's name. {owner_nick} - Server owner's nickname. {owner_mention} - Tag the server owner. {owner_id} - Server owner's ID. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>greetmessage Hello {user_mention}, welcome to {server_name}!
>>hardblockedwords Lists all hard-blocked words on the server. >>hardblockedwords
>>hardblockwords >>hardblockword Works like "blockwords" but very intolerant. For example if you hardblock the word "ass" it will delete stuff like "assassin". It looks for any instance of the contents in the message, not indivitial segments. If any of the words in the filter are exist within a message, whether as a standalone word or within another word, the message will be deleted and the author will be notified. Extensions should not be separated by a delimiter. Those with the Administrator permission are not affected. >>hardblockwords crap ass tits
>>inviteautowarn Toggles whether users will automatically receive a warning upon triggering the blacklisted invites filter. Like the issuewarning command does, but automated. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>inviteautowarn
>>listincidents >>incidents >>incs Lists all incidents on the server. You can filter the reasults by adding "moderator", "target", or "variant" as an argument. For moderator and target, specify the person by mentioning them. For variant, specify the type of incident. The accepted types are ban, unban, kick, warn, unwarn, textmute, untextmute, hardmute, and unhardmute. This command requires the Manage Messages permission. >>listincidents variant kick
>>log Toggles logging of multiple log types at once. You can enter "all" to turn on all logs, or "none" to disable all logs. It also accepts a list of log types separated by a semicolon and space "; ". The accepted log types are antispam, bans, deletions, edits, filters, kicks, movement, mutes, purges, incidents, and warnings. The log types in the list will be toggled when entered. If they were active, they will be deactivated, and vice versa. >>log kicks; bans; movement;
>>loggingchannel >>logchannel >>logch Designates a channel where server events will be logged in. You can set each log type to a different channel by specifying the log type after the channel mention. It can also accept a list of log types separated by a semicolon and space "; ". To disable all logging channels, ented "disable" as the channel argument. To disable channels for specific log types, input the log type after "disable". Disabling also acceptes a list of log types in the aforementioned format. Accepted log types are antispam, bans, deletions, edits, filters, kicks, modules, movement, mutes, purges, incidents, and warnings. >>loggingchannel #logging
>>logmodule Toggles logging of commands in the specified module being used. >>logmodule moderation
>>logsettings >>logs Displays log settings. This includes the log channel and whether or not it is enabled for each log type. >>logsettings
>>namefilterban Toggles if blocked names are enforced. Anyone who joins the server with a blocked name in thier name will be automatically banned. This is very intolerant. For example if you block the name "ass" it will ban anyone who joins with words like "assassin" in their name. >>namefilterban
>>prefix Sets the prefix that Sigma should respond to. This will be bound to your server and you can set it to anything you'd like. However, the prefix must be two characters or longer and can not contain spaces, they will be automatically removed. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>prefix !!
>>ratelimit Sets the message amount and timespan for the rate limiter. Separated by a colon, the amount goes first and timespan second. The usage example translates to a limit of 6 messages per 10 seconds. Any messages that cross this limit will be deleted. >>ratelimit 6:10
>>reactors >>reacs Shows a list of the server's reaction triggers. The list is separated into pages of 10 items each. You can specify the page number you want to see. >>reactors 4
>>removecommand >>deletecommand >>remcmd >>delcmd Removes a custom command trigger from the server. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>removecommand hi
>>removereactor >>deletereactor >>remreac >>delreac Removes an automatic reaction trigger. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>removereactor hi
>>removeresponder >>deleteresponder >>remres >>delres Removes a custom responder trigger from the server. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>removeresponder hi
>>renamecommand >>rencmd Replaces a custom command's trigger without losing the original trigger's contents. The original custom command trigger goes first, followed by what you wish to change it to. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>renamecommand hi howdy
>>resetserver Permanently deletes all settings and permissions for Sigma on the current server. You can add "--permsonly" or "--settingsonly" as an argument to only delete permissions or settings respectively. This CANNOT be undone. This command requires the user to be the Server Owner. >>resetserver --permsonly
>>responders >>resps Shows a list of the server's custom responder triggers. The list is separated into pages of 10 items each. You can specify the page number you want to see. >>responders 4
>>serversuggestion >>serversugg >>suggest >>sugg Submits a suggestions to the set server suggestion channel. Not to be confused with the bot suggestion command, "botsuggest". >>serversuggestion New server ideas!
>>starboard >>sbd Toggles the starboard on and off. When a message reaches enough reactions with the specified emote, it will be posted to the starboard channel. You can set the channel, emote, and minimum number of reactions before a message is posted. >>starboard
>>starboardchannel >>sbchannel >>sbch Sets the channel for starboards to be posted in. >>starboardchannel #channel
>>starboardemote >>sbemote >>sbe Sets the emote Sigma should associate with starboards. When a message reaches the set number of this reaction, it will be posted to the set starboard channel. The emote must be native to Discord. Custom emotes are not supported. >>starboardemote 100
>>starboardlimit >>sblimit >>sbl Sets the minimum number of reactons for a starboard to be posted. >>starboardlimit 25
>>suggestionchannel >>suggch Designates a channel for server suggestions. When a new suggestion is made, the details will be posted there. To disable this, write disable after the command instead of a channel. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>suggestionchannel #server-suggestions
>>unblockarguments >>unblockargument >>unblockargs >>unblockarg Removes arguments from the blocked list, allowing commands to be executed with them again. >>unblockarguments something idunno
>>unblockextensions >>unblockextension >>unblockexts >>unblockext Removes a blocked extension allowing people to send files containing it. To purge the entire extension filter, enter --all as the command argument. Extensions should not be separated by a delimiter. >>unblockextensions boobs
>>unblocknames >>unblockname Removes a blocked name allowing people who join to have it in their name. To purge the entire name filter, enter "--all" as the command argument. Names should not be separated by a delimiter. >>unblocknames
>>unblockwords >>unblockword Removes a blocked word allowing people to send messages containing it. To purge the entire word filter, enter --all as the command argument. Words should not be separated by a delimiter. >>unblockwords boobs
>>unflip Toggles if Sigma should respond to tables being flipped. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>unflip
>>unhardblockwords >>unhardblockword Removes a hard blocked word allowing people to send messages containing it. To purge the entire word filter, enter --all as the command argument. Words should not be separated by a delimiter. >>unhardblockwords boobs
>>viewcollectionjar >>viewjar Shows the contents of the collection jar. This includes the total, total for the current channel, total from you, and total from you in the current channel. You can also mention someone to view their contributions instead of your own. >>viewcollectionjar
>>viewincident >>incident >>inc Shows detailed information on the specified incident. Specify the incident by its ID or order. The order is the chronological order that it was created in. Specify whether it's an ID or order by adding "id" or "order" as an argument. This command requires the Manage Messages permission. >>viewincident id e27e2e59
>>whisper >>confess Submits an anonymous whisper to the server's designated channel. Whispers can be whatever you want. Maybe it's your deepest darkest confession O_O. This command can be used in a DM if you wish to do it privately, however, if you use it in a DM, you must include a server ID before your message. >>whisper My secret confession!
>>whisperchannel >>whisperch Designates a channel for whispers. When a new whisper is submitted, it will be posted there. To disable this, write disable after the command instead of a channel. This command requires the Manage Server permission. >>whisperchannel #channel
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Commands Description Example
>>commandstatistics >>cmdstatistics >>commandstats >>cmdstats Shows a paginated table showing how many times each command was used. You can view a specific command by adding its name as an argument. >>commandstatistics shootfoot
>>leaderboard >>top Shows the top 20 users who have the most of a specified resource. A filter can be added, either global or total, sorting it by the amount they globaly have right now, which is the default, or the total amount of the given resource that they have collected over time regardless of resets. >>leaderboard kud total
>>resources >>reslist >>res Shows all the available resources and how many you have of each. >>resources
>>resourcestatistics >>resourcestats >>resstats Shows statistical data for the given resource type. You can use the bot's currency name instead of "currency", like "kud" for example. Resources also include "experience" and "cookies". The command will show where you got that resource. From which user, which server, which channel and with which function. Only "earned" resources are tracked however, meaning that there's no data on gambling. You can also add "--expense" to the end of the command to see where you spent that resource instead of showing where you got it as well as target a user with the command to see their stats. You can see all available resources with the "resourcelist" command. >>resourcestatistics currency @person --expense
>>wallet >>currency >>money >>kud Shows how much of Sigma's internal currency you currently have, as well as how much you've earned on the current server and in total. Kud is earned by being an active member of the community. Yes, this is meant to be vague. >>wallet @person
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Commands Description Example
>>addemote >>addemoji Adds the desired emote to the server. Specify an emote by reacting to the command message with it. You can specify a name for the emote, otherwise it will use the existing name. Sometimes the retrieved emote file is larger than discord will accept, and thus cannot be added. This command requires the Manage Emotes permission. >>addemote monkaS
>>avatar >>av >>pfp Shows the mentioned user's avatar. If no user is mentioned, it shows the author's avatar. You can add "static" as an argument to force a PNG format. You can add "display" as an argument to show the server-bound avatar, if it exists. >>avatar @person
>>botinformation >>botinfo >>info Shows information about the bot, version, codename, authors, etc. >>botinformation
>>bots Lists the bots on the server and shows their status. >>bots
>>botsuggest >>botsugg >>bsugg Submits a suggestions to the owners of the bot to do stuff. Development and change wise. >>botsuggest Add some new stuff!!!
>>channelid >>chid >>cid Shows the User ID of the mentioned channel. If no channel is mentioned, it will show the ID of the channel the command is used in. If you don't want the message to be an embed, add "--text" at the end. >>channelid #channel
>>channelinformation >>channelinfo >>chinfo >>cinfo Shows information and data on the mentioned channel. If no channel is mentioned, it will show data for the curent channel. >>channelinformation #channel
>>color >>colour >>clr Shows the specified color. It accepts either a HEX code or an RGB array. >>color #1abc9c
>>completewipe Wipes every little bit of your data in the database. Everything, absolutely everything. This can not be reversed. Resources, inventory, profile data, EVERYTHING. >>completewipe
>>convertcurrency >>convert Converts the specified amount of money. The format of "{amount} {from_currency} in {to_currency}" must be followed. >>convertcurrency 50 EUR in USD
>>createinvite >>makeinvite >>createinv >>makeinv Creates an instant invite for the specified channel. If no channel is specified, it's made for the current channel. You can set an expiration by adding "d:HH:MM:SS" as an argument. You can also set a limited number of uses by adding "u:num" where "num" is the amount of uses. The order of the arguments doesn't matter. An invite's maximum duration is 24 hours and maximum uses is 100. This command requires the Create Instant Invite permission. >>createinvite d:12:0:0 u:10 #general
>>divorce Divorces the mentioned user that you are married with. Divorces cost 15 Kud per hour that you were married. You can specify the user's ID rather than a mention if they're not present on your server. >>divorce @person
>>emote >>emoji >>em Searches for an emoji. You can use the actual emoji or just its name. If you use its name you can make the search more precise by adding the ID of the emote or server ID that the emote is from, like in this example "monika:375824498882117635". By default this searches emotes on the current server. If you wish to search emotes on all servers, add "--global" as the last argument. Note that this makes the command NSFW due to the possibility of other server's emotes being explicit. >>emote Monika
>>givevirginity Give your virginity to someone or exchange it for theirs. >>givevirginity @person
>>imgur Anonymously uploads the specified attachment or URL to imgur and returns a direct link to it. Attachment must be an image (GIFs are images). URL must be a direct link to an image. >>imgur [imgfile.png]
>>ingame Shows the top played games on the server. The list is paginated, each page has up to 10 items. You can specify the page number you want to see. >>ingame
>>inrole Shows all the users in the server who have the specified role. The list is paginated, each page has up to 10 items. You can specify the page number you want to see. You can also filter the list by Discord status by adding "--status" as the last argument, replacing "status" with the status you wish to filter by. The accepted statuses are "dnd", "idle", "offline", and "online". >>inrole Warlards --online
>>lmgtfy >>letmegooglethatforyou Outputs a link that will google the specified query for you. >>lmgtfy Sexy Sneks
>>marry >>propose Proposes to the mentioned user. >>marry @person
>>owners Shows a list of Sigma's owners. Users in this list have access to the administration module. >>owners
>>permissions >>perms Shows which permissions a user has and which they do not. If no user is mentioned, it will target the message author. >>permissions @person
>>ping Shows the latency of every shard the bot is on. >>ping
>>randomcolor >>randomcolour >>rclr Shows you a random color block along with its HEX code. >>randomcolor
>>roleid >>rankid >>rid Shows the Role ID of the specified role. Unlike the other ID commands, a role specification is required. Roles mentions do not work here, lookup is done via role name. If you don't want the message to be an embed, add "--text" at the end. >>roleid Warlards
>>roleinformation >>roleinfo >>rinfo Shows information and data on the specified role. Roles mentions do not work here, lookup is done via role name. >>roleinformation
>>rolepopulation >>rolepop Shows the population of the specified role. If no arguments are provided, it will show the top 15 roles by population. >>rolepopulation Warlard
>>roleswithpermission >>roleswithpermissions >>roleswithperms >>roleswithperm >>rlwperms >>rlwperm Lists all roles with the given permissions. You can list multiple permissions to look for roles that contain all of them. You can also reverse the search by adding "--negative" to the command. This will return roles that have that permissions denied. >>roleswithpermission Manage Messages; Administrator
>>servericon >>srvicon >>icon Shows the server's icon image. >>servericon
>>serverid >>guildid >>srvid >>sid >>gid Shows the Server ID of the server the command is used in. If you don't want the message to be an embed, add "--text" at the end. >>serverid
>>serverinformation >>serverinfo >>sinfo Shows information and data on the server. >>serverinformation
>>serverstatistics >>serverstats >>sstats Shows the current server's statistics. Population, message and command counts, and rates in the last 24 hours. >>serverstatistics
>>shortenurl >>shorten >>bitly Shortens a URL for you using BitLy. All URLs returned via Sigma are without ads, merely shortened using the service. >>shortenurl
>>spouses >>wives >>husbands >>waifus >>husbandos Shows the mentioned user's list of spouses, that is, people that they're married to. You can pass "--ids" as the last argument to show user IDs rather than names. This can be useful for divorcing people not present on your server. >>spouses @person
>>statistics >>stats Shows Sigma's current statistics. Population, message and command counts, and rates since startup. >>statistics
>>status Shows the status of Sigma's host machine. Processor information, memory, storage, network, etc. >>status
>>translation >>translate >>trans Translates a language from and to the specified ones. If a conversion input is not stated, the first argument will be considered the input language and the output will be in english. The language codes used abide by the ISO 639-1 format. For the whole list, you can go to the following wikipedia article >>translation EN>JA Hello there!
>>userid >>uid Shows the User ID of the mentioned user. If no user is mentioned, it will show the author's ID. If you don't want the message to be an embed, add "--text" at the end. >>userid @person
>>userinformation >>userinfo >>uinfo Shows information and data on the mentioned user. If no user is mentioned, it will show data for the author. >>userinformation @person
>>whoplays Generates a list of users playing the specified game. The list is paginated, each page has up to 20 items. You can specify the page number you want to see. Due to some game names ending with a number, the page indicator goes before the game name. >>whoplays Overwatch
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Commands Description Example
>>wfacolytes >>wfacol Shows data on the Stalker's acolytes. Their names, locations and health. >>wfacolytes
>>wfdailydeal >>wfdeal >>wfdarvo >>darvo >>wfdd Shows the current daily deal by Darvo. >>wfdailydeal
>>wfdroptables >>wfdroptable >>wfdrops Links a webpage for Warframe's drop tables. >>wfdroptables
>>wffactionprogress >>wfinvasionprogress >>wfprogress Shows the current faction progress for invasions in Warframe. >>wffactionprogress
>>wffissures >>wffissure >>wff Shows the current fissure locations in Warframe. As well as their tiers, locations and mission types. >>wffissures
>>wfinvasions >>wfinvasion >>wfi Shows the current ongoing invasions in Warframe. As well as their factions, locations and rewards. >>wfinvasions
>>wfnews >>wfn Shows the current ative news in Warframe. >>wfnews
>>wfnightwave >>wfchallenges >>wfnw Shows the current Nightwave challenges in Warframe. >>wfnightwave
>>wforbvallis >>wftemp >>wfov Shows the current temperature in Orb Vallis in Warframe. >>wforbvallis
>>wfplainsofeidolon >>wfpoe Shows the current time on the Plains of Eidolon in Warframe. As well as the next day/night cycle rotations. >>wfplainsofeidolon exact
>>wfpricecheck >>wfmarket >>wfpc Checks the price for the specified item. This will only list items by members that are currently online and in the game. The API requires a precise item name. For an item set, put "set" after the item name. >>wfpricecheck Volt Prime Set
>>wfsales >>wfsale Shows items that are currently on sale in Warframe's market. This list shows only items that have reduced prices by default. If you want it to list all promoted items regardless of reduction add "all" to the end of the command as in the example. The item list is also paginated. >>wfsales 2 all
>>wfsorties >>wfsortie >>wfs Shows the ongoing Sortie missions in Warframe. >>wfsorties
>>wftrials >>wftrial >>wfraids >>wfraid >>wft >>wfr Shows raid statistics for the specified username. Note that DE hasn't been tracking this data forever. So some really old raids won't be shown due to having no data. The shortest raid time shown only counts victorious raids. >>wftrials AXAz0r
>>wfvoidtrader >>wfbarokiteer >>wfbaro >>baro >>wfvt Shows the items that Baro Ki'Teer is currently selling as well as the statistics such as total number of items, total amount of ducats and credits needed and where he's located. >>wfvoidtrader
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